Wednesday, February 01, 2006

One Month Down

Hello ALL!

Another week has flown by! It is hard to believe I have been here a month. I am learning tonz! The language is coming well. I get a little discouraged at times. But that is just because I am impatient. But if I was satisfied would I work very hard? =)

We went out last week and got to proselyte. I felt very good on the return trip. One time I went up to this man and his friend and I told him my spill about how the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored (in portugues) and I told him that we have a prophet now that talks to God just like in days of old. Then he said ´I am Catholic´. So I pulled out a card and I said "well this message is for you" and I told him about the Book of Mormon and that it came from the ancient Americas. He got very interested and he was very excited about being able to call the number. My companion and I had the same success with a poor old blind man. But he was very excited about the message also. I felt we had great success for it being my first time. I feel good about being able to speak that much portuguese in only three weeks (at that time). It was very exciting.

A few of you want to know what the culture is like. Well, it is pretty different. Alot of people have nothing. When we went proselyting many of the people had no home. It is quiet sad. The roads are quiet crazy here in Sao Paulo. Everybody drives little hatchback cars that are about 300 pounds. They are all very curtious with their driving and there are motorcycles every where. As for the is good. A lot of rice and beans and different meats. The fruit is super. All the people I have met are super nice and they always look at you and greet you. Alot of them want to know why we are here...and they are interested in the message of the restored gospel. The coutry side is beautiful. We get to see a little of it when we go to the Campinas temple once a week.

Last Sunday I got to talk in sacrament. I talked about the sacrament and what the purpose of it is and related it to the Atonement. Then, my district had to seek a special number. Then, that night I sang in the choir at the fireside and then at the end of the fireside I sang with a special little goup with about 12 ppl and we sang "Eu sei que vive meu o senhor" or "I know my redemmer lives". It was really good.

My companion and I are doing good. No problems this week. We do really good together on the lessons. I don´t think I would trade him for anybody. Well last Thursday I recieved 8 letters. It was great! They finally all came to me. At one time! I have recieved 3 more since then. Thanks everybody! I´ll write back soon. Also this week my brazileiro roomates left =( ....I really liked them alot! One of them gave me a cool key chain. Well I am sending like 8 letters out today! I sent alot last week too.

This week I have learned alot about faith and what faith is. Faith is a hope for things not seen. We all can have faith in different things but the only perfect faith is in Jesus Christ. We can do many wonderful miracles with faith but the most important miracle we can perform with our faith is repentance. That is the whole reason that Christ Came and Atoned for us. We must be forever Grateful. Also faith increases when we act on it. When we don´t we lose faith. Faith is like a muscle you have to work it out. Faith leads to action. So all of you act and pray and thank God for all you have. Ask him for forgiveness and do your BEST to forsake what you did wrong, don´t do it again. Then find out his will for you! And do it. His will for all of us is the same. The ultimate goal is to have eternal life. Don´t waist this life, this life is the time for you to prepare to meet God. It is a probationary state. If we increase our faith by acting we can all have Eternal life with our Heavenlty Father. But you must fullfill all righteousness through the Savior I love you all and wish the best for you.
Elder Tossey


At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaron is the greatest

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... are pretty awesome! Such a great example to all of us! We love you so much!
Gina of the many moms that love you dearly. :)

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron, I just got my first letter from you in the mail. woohooo!!! It took 19 days to get here. boy is that crazy. I hope my stuff doesn't take that long to get there. Well, it sounds like you are doing awesome! I will keep writting and praying for you.
love always,


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