Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sao Paulo Temple & pastels

Hello all!
Elder Tossey is doing well. I just got done eating lunch. I ate a burger out side of the MTC it was ok, but it wasn´t like those Leesburgers. HMMM. I am home sick now. Just kidding. I miss all of you so much, but I wouldn´t give this up for life it self.

I have been learning so much here. I have been learning alot of what life is about. I am also learning Portuguese. This Friday we go to prosylyte again. I am excited. I know I will do better. It is such good practice to get out side the MTC and actually talk only Portuguese. It is really hard to do that in the MTC ( to speak only Portuguese). I just got back from the Sao Paulo Temple this morning. It was so beautiful. I put it on the top 3 temples. The Spirit was very strong there. I enjoyed the peace I felt there!

In a little while here we are supposed to try a really good food. It is called a pastels. They have all kinds of flavors from what I hear. Things here at the MTC on the other hand are relatively the same. If ya´ll want to know something specific you should ask me. I am sorry if you have asked me something and I have not answered it. It seems that I am totally out of it when I get in here to write.

Well Here is my thought for the week. It´s about life.

Why are we here? We were all sent to this earth to gain bodies and to gain experience. Knowledge is the key, but along with knowledge is faith. Faith can be in many different things but as I have said before faith is only perfect when centered on Christ. How can we strengthen our faith?...through diligence. In the scriptures it says many times you must excercise your faith. Meaning you must act upon what you know. God gives us many oppurtunities to act on our faith. These oppurtunities are called trials. Our MTC president one day was in his office and a guy came in and said you want you first problem as president of the MTC. The MTC president said yes! Problems are oppurtunities. In 1PET 1:6 it says that the trial of your faith becomes more valuable than of gold or silver or any manner of precious items. My dad always says no good deed goes un-punished. Now you know why. The more we do good the easier you think it would be but that is not how it works. It is only easy if you are doing something wrong! It is building virtue, character, and most of all faith when you choose the right. Building things is not easy. Neither is weight lifting, till you get used to the weight then you must add more weight! More trials, more burdens, more oppurtunities to choose who you will serve (Joshua 24:16). I love this saying " we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience". That also brings up the point... are we to let our bodys act on our spirits or our spirits on our bodys? Definately Spirits are supposed to act on bodies. That is where righteousness is made. That is also the war we are fighting today. It is a spiritual war. Addictions and bad,evil things only put your spirit under bondage to the evil of satan's power. I know that there is a Messiah, Jesus Christ. I also know that there is a devil and he wants nothing more than to make you unclean and unfit to return to Heavenly Father. I

hope that all of you will exercise your faith in Christ by following the commandments and by doing as it says in HEBREWS 11 ( for all to read). I love you all. I hope to see you when I come back with more faith in Jesus the Christ.
Love you all
Elder Tossey

P.S. My companion and I are doing very well. We are working on the Christ like attribute of diligence this week. You know to gain more faith you must make goals. And unless your goal is written on paper it is only a dream. The book "preach my Gospel" is a great book for help on these Christ like attributes and how to achieve goals.


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mom loves the postcard, and i love my message. but boy are you crazy if you think i agree with it!! ur such a loco loser...

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved your thoughts about life. It was really good. Some stuff I needed reminded about.


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