Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Miracles do exist!

Hello all. How are you? I know you are all Busy. But know that it is a principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ to work by the sweat of your brow. =)

We had transfers today! My companion Elder Rosa was transferred. We past alot of trials together . He was a great missionary and I learned a Ton. I was scared who I would get for my next companion. We arrived late at transfers and everybody was leaving the meeting when we arrived. Then Elder Morris, that I had already been friends with from my previos Zone, came to me and was like "Guess what?, we´re companions". He is a great guy and I have a feeling that the Work will really increase here in Fransisco Morato.

We wil baptise Juliana next week. She has had many doubts about weather to be baptised. But Last week we gave her a challenge to Pray again for an answer with real intent to follow the answer she gets. Then when she prayed and while she was reading about Joseph Smith she said she felt the Spirit Testify that he really was a prophet of God. Also that the experience of Joseph was a true experience. That he really did see God and Jesus Christ.

I know that God answers prayers as I have seen him answer the prayers of many and he has answered my own questions and request. He really lives. We really have a savior, Jesus Christ.
Know that I love you all.
Miracles do exist!
Elder Tossey


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