Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Brazilian BBQ

Hey all! How is life in the USA? good. Things here in Brasil, or Sao Paulo shall I say, are better than last week but still pretty rough.

We had Zone conference last week and the President of the mission taught alot about revelation. It was very Interesting. We all need to recieve light or revelation. We can all recieve and we can all be partaking of the light. Which can be added upon and added upon. So I don´t want to ever hear anybody say that they know it all or I don´t want any body to think that you can´t learn more. Especially in the Gospel point of view.

I can´t write much. My missionary buddies are waiting on me. We are going to eat Brazilian BBQ which is great!. I am excited. I want all of you to know I love you and I want everybody to write me by (e-mail For Family) Or by (mail for others) to tell me what the have had revealed unto to them in scripture study and in prayer this week.

We have transfers next week so I might get transfered this next week. We will seeMore from Brasil. Later.
Elder Tossey

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A time of chaos

oi Tudo mundo (everybody!)

I typed a big long letter and the computer closed on me so, I will have to make it all short!

I got to talk to my family this week! It was great to talk to them. They are still busy busy. The Phillips family and the orphans sound great as well!

Brasil right now is kind of crazy! The gangsters and drug lords are going around killing people. They have been driving by the police stations and fire stations and killing police officers and firemen. They have also been blowing up banks and buses with Molotav coctails. It is so crazy. Policemen have been rolling around in big packs waving their guns in peoples faces. It is chaos. So far (last time I heard ) 60 police officers and 40 civilians are dead. 81 buses have been blown up. I got to go to the center of Sao Paulo on a division and it was chaos there with so many cops all around and shootings going on. It is Chaos. I changed my contact to a message of peace and told people that it would bless their familys in this time of conflict. It is a mazing the spiritual peace you can feel in a time of such calamity!

The Last days are here with wars and rumors of wars. Weird weather in divers places. And also the sign of the prophet. We have a prophet to day to lead and guide and to gather in the sheep. Surely it won´t be long now. The lord is gathering israel with his Prophet. (see luke 13:33-35) . Help your neighbors, family and friends to stay firm help the fultime missionaries find and help the people repent and be baptised. There is a great article in the april ensign about "becoming a disciple of Christ" it is absolutely amazing to me. I would suggest that all read it. And if you don´t know what the magazine is., ask your friendly neighbor Latter-day saint.

Well time to run and find the elect. Peace from my heart to all those that read!Find your own peace in SINCERE ERNEST PRAYER and DILIGENT DAILY STUDY as well.

Elder Tossey

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Hey everybody!
Brazil is still here! It is amazing the weeks are just flying by! Too fast! I am so not wanting it to go by this fast. I am learning too much and I don´t want to leave here yet! We treated our selves to Brazilian BBQ today. It was very good! I am fool. I think I ate to much again. My, I am not sure if I am loosing or gaining wait here. I will tell you next week!

Yay! I get to talk to my family this Sunday. I am excited and thinking about what to say. I feel like a stranger because I am so far away. It is a weird feeling. I realized today that I miss the country. I just love the country. The lake, the creeks, the trees and the grass. I can´t tell you when the last time I saw a field of grass. I think that is as far as home sickness goes!

I am so excited to be here still. I am trying to change and grow closer to the lord. I am trying to find ways to be wiser and more diligent. The mission is like a rollercoaster. There are ups and downs just like life.

I talked with one of our investigators Yesterday named Luiza. She knows the church is true and she knows and wants to be baptised. "But honestly", she says," she is not prepared." She knows she has things she needs to put in order. I talked to her about goals and planning. As a missionary I have to try to make plans weekly and monthly. I also have yearly and even farther future plans. We all need to make plans. a plan that is successfuly executed brings happiness. I want everybody to make goals; make weekly, monthly and yearly goals. You can´t just wonder around doing everything under the sun. You have to find a straight path. Find the will of the God, the Father, and apply his will in your plan. Therefore you will surely have success so long as you pray and do acording to your faith and knowledge. You better believe when you make a plan that Satan will be there to destroy it! So what will you do?

Thought: Trials and problems are oppurtunities to excercise your faith!

Elder Tossey

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Chora Menino, scripture studies, packages/letters

Hey all!
How are you all doing? I am well. Looking forward to talking with the family on the 14th. =) It will be great! I recieved some mail and a package but I haven´t gotten by the office to see who they are from. I will go there on Monday!

My new companion and I are well. He is alot different then I . We get along ok. But we have some things we need to work out. I miss my trainer alot. Chora Menino (Crying baby) is well.

My scripture studys are well. There just isn´t enough time. 1 hour of personal study in the mornings isn´t enough. But wow, I do recieve alot of the truth during that time. I know that if everybody will make time for 15 minutes of scripture study a day, they will find more light in the ever darkening world. I PROMISE THIS!!!!

It's still pretty hot here in Sao Paulo but it is a little cooler. Learning alot about love and patience still. Trying to apply this love attribute is hard. I know...but I love the feelings I get from my efforts. The success is more sweet too! The Lord Loves us and he is gathering his sheep. Jesus said that" everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of God, but only he that does the will of the father." (I think Matt 7:29) How is this will given to us? Throught his prophets!AMos 3:7 -"surely the lord God will do notheing but revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets" Jesus also said. Jerusalem, Jerusalem ye wicked and perverse people how many times have I tried to gather this people. How does the Lord gather his people many times when he has only visited the earth once? He does this through revelation. Given to his prophets. I testify God is the same yesterday today and forever! He sent His Son to us who was rejected. He also calls his prophets for us, who also are rejected. We all have the same oppurtunity to listen to the prophet of our day. He is 96 years old and he loves us and he guides us. Do as Jesus said and give ear to His words which are spoken through a prophet as they were in the past. If you give ear to a good seed it will grow in your heart and will bring a "mighty change" , if it is bad it will not grow bringing that "mighty change". Don´t just hear but hearken, and do! The Prophets says every person in the church needs a calling, a friend and nourishing with the Good word of God. Excercise your faith as if you were trying to win the olympics!

I love you all and am thankful for your letters, love and support. I am sorry I can´t write all of you as much as I would like but there is enough time after the mission! =)

Now, I go to do "the will of my Father which is in Heaven!"!

Love, Elder Tossey
Don´t cast a stone ,but LOVE, and block the stones! =)