Thursday, May 18, 2006

A time of chaos

oi Tudo mundo (everybody!)

I typed a big long letter and the computer closed on me so, I will have to make it all short!

I got to talk to my family this week! It was great to talk to them. They are still busy busy. The Phillips family and the orphans sound great as well!

Brasil right now is kind of crazy! The gangsters and drug lords are going around killing people. They have been driving by the police stations and fire stations and killing police officers and firemen. They have also been blowing up banks and buses with Molotav coctails. It is so crazy. Policemen have been rolling around in big packs waving their guns in peoples faces. It is chaos. So far (last time I heard ) 60 police officers and 40 civilians are dead. 81 buses have been blown up. I got to go to the center of Sao Paulo on a division and it was chaos there with so many cops all around and shootings going on. It is Chaos. I changed my contact to a message of peace and told people that it would bless their familys in this time of conflict. It is a mazing the spiritual peace you can feel in a time of such calamity!

The Last days are here with wars and rumors of wars. Weird weather in divers places. And also the sign of the prophet. We have a prophet to day to lead and guide and to gather in the sheep. Surely it won´t be long now. The lord is gathering israel with his Prophet. (see luke 13:33-35) . Help your neighbors, family and friends to stay firm help the fultime missionaries find and help the people repent and be baptised. There is a great article in the april ensign about "becoming a disciple of Christ" it is absolutely amazing to me. I would suggest that all read it. And if you don´t know what the magazine is., ask your friendly neighbor Latter-day saint.

Well time to run and find the elect. Peace from my heart to all those that read!Find your own peace in SINCERE ERNEST PRAYER and DILIGENT DAILY STUDY as well.

Elder Tossey


At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron, It was so good to hear your voice again.You made us laugh as usual. and that is good.
Sounds like things are uneasy there in Brazil now. Stay safe.
We love you and love to hear from you each week.


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