Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Learning and changing

Oi! Tudo bom.As Opurtunidades que eu esto recebendo são mais precioso do que todos os ricos do mundo, porque eles são os ricos de experiencia, conhecimento e sabadoria; as benções do ceu!

Hello all! I am well, learning and changing according to the oppurtunities I have been given. Last week was a rough week, but I learned that last week is preparing me for a rougher week. I have recieved much strength to carry out the work of the Lord. I have recieved much support also from friends and family. I am thankful. You don´t realize how much the Lord carries of your burdens. He makes, as he says in the new testament, your burdens light. Last week I was left for only a few minutes with all my burdens and as I humbled myself in prayer they were lifted.

The experience I had last week was as many would call "Growing pains", but spiritually. I grew. I have recieved a few letters this week. A few people are asking about my Portuguese. To say the truth since I have arrived I have been truly blessed with what is know as the "Gift of Tongues"( gift to speak in another language). I have been able to speak well and be understood. And I can say know that I am fluent in the language, just have to expand my vocabulary. Many people are amazed at the fact that I could speak fluently after 4 months. I will say of myself that it was nothing more than a miracle from God. If you do His will you will be blessed to do more of His will. I am thankful for His blessing.

Other people have asked about some of the people we teach and help. We are bringing many to faith. Many are hearing and harkening. We are helping a women that lives 2 hrs walk from the chapel. She is receiving of understanding and is acting with faith. I rather not talk about the many people we are helping for reasons. But it is good enough to say that the people that are the elects of God hear his voice and they follow. They are given blessing enough to manifest their faith and become nearer to the Savior.

The Gospel is going forth as prophesied in Isaiah to every Nation. And the Book of Mormon is going forth with The Bible to convince every nation Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ. AS WAS PROPHESIED.

I have much to do and wish all of you yhe best.

Love you all.
Elder Tossey

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Exercise of Faith

Hello all.
Things here in Amador Bueno are going. It is pretty tough for me right now. I am having another opportunity to exercise my faith. =)

I don´t have alot to say, except that I love all of you.

Here is my Spiritual thought."blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God"-Jesus Christ-Matthew

If you stay humble you can be taught by the Spirit, through word and deed or in other words the will of God and experience. What is humble? It is leaning not to your own understanding, and acknowledging the will of the Lord. If you only think you are doing the will of the Lord check again.

Elder Tossey

Friday, June 16, 2006

The World Cup

All is well here in Brazil. The world cup started and it is a little crazy here with Brazilian pride, since they are the defenders of the cup. When I am walking the streets every now and then you hear somebody yell out "hey Aliman (german) speak english!". It is kind of funny and some times annoying.

All is well. We are teaching a great family right now. Edielson and Redina. They have 2 kids and are very excited about the gospel. I love the light that they have on their countenance as they are readily accepting the gospel. They are truly the elect we are looking for.

The past 2 weeks has been really tough between my new companion and I. We have many differences. He does not want to work diligently. He is tired and his mission is about up. I am trying to help him. It has been difficult. But we have talked and I think all will be better now. We will see. I have learned so much the past few weeks because of the situation. I have recieved many revelations about life and about the plan of Salvation. I am sure all of these things will one day help me have and guide a beautiful family! I am thankful for these trials and these oppurtunities to learn or in other words change!

I recieved a package from Kadi Bazemore. Finally. It was sent in the end of March and I got to open it finally today. Suprisingly, the cookies were still good! Thank you so much for the wonderful package. I will write soon. That goes for all those that write me.

Thought for this week. Hmmmm, I was reading in "Preach My Gospel" this week and I read a phrase that I like alot. It said that discouragement is a lack of faith. I thought about it then another quote from Elder Ballard Came to my mind( something like this) ´ The more we Know and become familiar with the Plan of Salvation that God has created for us, the easier it will be to be happy`. I thought alot about happiness then. Isn't it great when we have faith. When we are not discouraged, afraid, sad. We are happy when we have faith. My eyes have been opened alot this week to the plan of salvation and I find myself hoping for all things and happier as well. Many things that normally would bother me don´t. I would like to invite all of you to hold your head high and smile and think about the wonderful plan of ´happiness´ that the Lord has created. I hope that all of you will more fully recieve understanding of the Plan of salvation which has been give as REVELATION through the prophets of our dispensation. I love you, and more important God loves you.

I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is here on the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that the Prophet Joseph was a prophet of God. I know that Gordon B. Hinckley is the prophet of God on the earth today. I know that if you will just open your minds and ponder upon this " marvelous light" that you to can become clean through the At-one-ment of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He lives !
Love all,
Elder Tossey

Friday, June 09, 2006

New Area

Hey ALL!
How is life? How is the world? It is pretty bad isn´t it? I know.

My new area is great! It is not like the area of Chora Menino with only pavement. It is like Texas! With grass and trees and dirt paths and dust roads. I like it alot here. The members of the church make all the difference in this area. They are active in the work of our Lord, Gathering Israel for the secong coming of Jesus.

My new companion is well. I had the oppurtunity to sit under the voice of a man who knows how to speak according to the Spirit of the Lord. President Didier of the presidency of the qourum of the seventy gave us a visit. I was filled to the brim and humbled as I listened. I was called upon to direct a scripture as all the missionaries of the mission recited it. I was pretty nervous. I thought that was it once I sat down. But no. President Didier humbled me a little more. He called my companion and I to the pulpit to give a practice lesson. Then he took over the lesson rather quickly. Teaching us how to make our lessons short and simple. He was amazing and the influence of the Spirit was strong. I will tell you a few things that he taught. He used this Quote of Joseph Smith. "Knowledge is the power of God...yea, the power of God unto salvation"

So if that is the case then we need to learn right. Well what is learning?"Learning is Changing ...if we haven´t changed we haven´t learned."-----President Didier-Think about the next time you say "I know"! If there is one thing that my testimony has grown on, it is that I know nothing!

I would like to encourage all, tonight, to kneel down by your bed and pray fervently that the Lord Might speak " to your mind and to your heart" what you must do to change according to his will. I testify that ye will recieve an answer at that moment, the next day or the next year but you will recieve if you knock! Keep this in mind as well. "but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, kindness, faith, meekness and temperance. against such THERE IS NO LAW" (Galatians 5:22-23) There is no law against that feeling that you recieve. There is no law, no written paragraph, and no scripture.

I want that all of you receive personal revelation or in other words the light of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I love you all
Elder Tossey

Friday, June 02, 2006

On the move!

Hello all! All is well here in Brazil. I have been transferred. It was very hard to leave Chora Manino. There are many people there that I have grown to love! I had a few people including myself crying yesteday. Yesterday I recieved a reward of joy to my heart as I told people I was leaving. I realized how minute of a thing could change people. I noticed that the people we have taught and that I have come to love have changed.

And one of the people we have been teaching said, "What you have brought me is like a door. The more you open it the more light that comes in and gives me understanding and knowledge." I thought about that and it is a very true statement! We open the door to heaven through our prayers, studies and mainy through our repentance. As the D+c states the more purified from sin you are the more the light of our Savior can fill you.We must be clean and righteous to recieve that light. One thing I have realized here is how great instrument the Book of Mormon is. It truly brings people to believe and recieve stronger witness of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I have not yet arrived at my new house. I have had many troubles today carrying my bag of stuff! I broke the wheels on the bag they wore out after getting bent this morning. So I bought a cart and then I hit a pot hole on the way from the store and broke it and had to take it back to the guy that sold me it. All is well. My new area is Amado Bueno! It looks neat and I am happy to be here!

My new companion is cool he is a Brazilian and speaks no english. It will help me alot. He will go home next transfer. So I will have recieved 4 different companions in 4 different transfers which is not normal. I am happy and trusting as I try to leave Chora Menino (old area) and start here. I am trusting those people I love there will do well and will receive blessings and follow in faith.

I received some good letters from Felicia, Lesty and the Albrights and Devin and Darla also Michelle, I recieved a package from Sister Phillips and a package from the Sosa´s family with my favorite watermelon sour patch kids. Sister Phillips sent me alot of candy and pop tarts and fruit roll-ups. It was awsome all the Elders were saying Wow! when I opened the box. I also recieved an amazing letter from my mom! I will write back soon to those that have written. Love love love. That alone is enought to save

Elder Tossey
I love you all and hope the best!