Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Learning and changing

Oi! Tudo bom.As Opurtunidades que eu esto recebendo são mais precioso do que todos os ricos do mundo, porque eles são os ricos de experiencia, conhecimento e sabadoria; as benções do ceu!

Hello all! I am well, learning and changing according to the oppurtunities I have been given. Last week was a rough week, but I learned that last week is preparing me for a rougher week. I have recieved much strength to carry out the work of the Lord. I have recieved much support also from friends and family. I am thankful. You don´t realize how much the Lord carries of your burdens. He makes, as he says in the new testament, your burdens light. Last week I was left for only a few minutes with all my burdens and as I humbled myself in prayer they were lifted.

The experience I had last week was as many would call "Growing pains", but spiritually. I grew. I have recieved a few letters this week. A few people are asking about my Portuguese. To say the truth since I have arrived I have been truly blessed with what is know as the "Gift of Tongues"( gift to speak in another language). I have been able to speak well and be understood. And I can say know that I am fluent in the language, just have to expand my vocabulary. Many people are amazed at the fact that I could speak fluently after 4 months. I will say of myself that it was nothing more than a miracle from God. If you do His will you will be blessed to do more of His will. I am thankful for His blessing.

Other people have asked about some of the people we teach and help. We are bringing many to faith. Many are hearing and harkening. We are helping a women that lives 2 hrs walk from the chapel. She is receiving of understanding and is acting with faith. I rather not talk about the many people we are helping for reasons. But it is good enough to say that the people that are the elects of God hear his voice and they follow. They are given blessing enough to manifest their faith and become nearer to the Savior.

The Gospel is going forth as prophesied in Isaiah to every Nation. And the Book of Mormon is going forth with The Bible to convince every nation Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ. AS WAS PROPHESIED.

I have much to do and wish all of you yhe best.

Love you all.
Elder Tossey


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are doing so much better then last week. you are so awesome. the lord loves you and you truly are an instrument in his hands. keep up the good work Elder Tossey. just have patience with others. you are not alone. you are in my thoughts and prayers.
love ya always ;)

At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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