Friday, June 09, 2006

New Area

Hey ALL!
How is life? How is the world? It is pretty bad isn´t it? I know.

My new area is great! It is not like the area of Chora Menino with only pavement. It is like Texas! With grass and trees and dirt paths and dust roads. I like it alot here. The members of the church make all the difference in this area. They are active in the work of our Lord, Gathering Israel for the secong coming of Jesus.

My new companion is well. I had the oppurtunity to sit under the voice of a man who knows how to speak according to the Spirit of the Lord. President Didier of the presidency of the qourum of the seventy gave us a visit. I was filled to the brim and humbled as I listened. I was called upon to direct a scripture as all the missionaries of the mission recited it. I was pretty nervous. I thought that was it once I sat down. But no. President Didier humbled me a little more. He called my companion and I to the pulpit to give a practice lesson. Then he took over the lesson rather quickly. Teaching us how to make our lessons short and simple. He was amazing and the influence of the Spirit was strong. I will tell you a few things that he taught. He used this Quote of Joseph Smith. "Knowledge is the power of God...yea, the power of God unto salvation"

So if that is the case then we need to learn right. Well what is learning?"Learning is Changing ...if we haven´t changed we haven´t learned."-----President Didier-Think about the next time you say "I know"! If there is one thing that my testimony has grown on, it is that I know nothing!

I would like to encourage all, tonight, to kneel down by your bed and pray fervently that the Lord Might speak " to your mind and to your heart" what you must do to change according to his will. I testify that ye will recieve an answer at that moment, the next day or the next year but you will recieve if you knock! Keep this in mind as well. "but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, kindness, faith, meekness and temperance. against such THERE IS NO LAW" (Galatians 5:22-23) There is no law against that feeling that you recieve. There is no law, no written paragraph, and no scripture.

I want that all of you receive personal revelation or in other words the light of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I love you all
Elder Tossey


At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey aaron...i dont know if you can read this but...HEY


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